Cand incerc sa ma loghez pe websal (cu admin:admin) primesc eroare asta.
HTTP Status 400 - Stopped at /opt/tomcat/webapps/mbx/bxrepo/mbadmxq/admbx.xq, 495/13: [FOUP0002] Resource "/opt/tomcat/bxdata/wr_admin/tbl.basex (No such file or directory)" not found.
type Status report
message Stopped at /opt/tomcat/webapps/mbx/bxrepo/mbadmxq/admbx.xq, 495/13: [FOUP0002] Resource "/opt/tomcat/bxdata/wr_admin/tbl.basex (No such file or directory)" not found.
description The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect.
Apache Tomcat/8.5.11
Pe webgest cand accesez salarii dupa ce activez salarii din variabile globale imi da eroare-
Si inca ceva, pe mbx cu ce user si pass ma loghez
Cand incerc sa ma loghez pe websal (cu admin:admin) primesc eroare asta.
HTTP Status 400 - Stopped at /opt/tomcat/webapps/mbx/bxrepo/mbadmxq/admbx.xq, 495/13: [FOUP0002] Resource "/opt/tomcat/bxdata/wr_admin/tbl.basex (No such file or directory)" not found.
type Status report
message Stopped at /opt/tomcat/webapps/mbx/bxrepo/mbadmxq/admbx.xq, 495/13: [FOUP0002] Resource "/opt/tomcat/bxdata/wr_admin/tbl.basex (No such file or directory)" not found.
description The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect.
Apache Tomcat/8.5.11
Pe webgest cand accesez salarii dupa ce activez salarii din variabile globale imi da eroare-
Si inca ceva, pe mbx cu ce user si pass ma loghez